Package com.pinapelz

Interface HolodexService

public interface HolodexService
The interface Holodex service.
  • Method Details

    • getLiveVideos

      @GET("/api/v2/live") retrofit2.Call<List<SimpleVideo>> getLiveVideos(@Query("channel_id") String channel_id, @Query("id") String id, @Query("include") String include, @Query("lang") String lang, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("maxUpcomingHours") Integer maxUpcomingHours, @Query("mentioned_channel_id") String mentioned_channel_id, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("order") String order, @Query("org") String org, @Query("paginated") String paginated, @Query("sort") String sort, @Query("status") String status, @Query("topic") String topic, @Query("type") String type)
      /api/v2/live endpoint
      channel_id - the YouTube channel id
      id - the YouTube video id
      include - the include parameters
      lang - a comma separated String of languages (e.g "en,ja")
      limit - the limit for the number of results
      maxUpcomingHours - number of maximum hours to show upcoming videos
      mentioned_channel_id - the mentioned channel id of a different channel (for collabs)
      offset - the offset for the number of results
      order - the order (asc, desc)
      org - the organization of which to get videos for (e.g. "Hololive")
      paginated - paginated field
      sort - sort by returned field (e.g "start_scheduled")
      status - filter by video status (e.g. "upcoming")
      topic - filter by type of video (e.g "stream")
      type - the type
      a list of SimpleVideo objects
    • getVideos

      @GET("/api/v2/videos") retrofit2.Call<List<Video>> getVideos(@Query("channel_id") String channel_id, @Query("id") String id, @Query("include") String include, @Query("lang") String lang, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("max_upcoming_hours") Integer max_upcoming_hours, @Query("mentioned_channel_id") String mentioned_channel_id, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("order") String order, @Query("org") String org, @Query("paginated") String paginated, @Query("sort") String sort, @Query("status") String status, @Query("topic") String topic, @Query("type") String type)
      /api/v2/video endpoint
      channel_id - the YouTube channel id
      id - the YouTube video id
      include - the include parameters comma seperated
      lang - a comma separated String of languages (e.g "en,ja")
      limit - the limit for the number of results
      max_upcoming_hours - number of maximum hours to show upcoming videos
      mentioned_channel_id - the mentioned channel id of a different channel (for collabs)
      offset - the offset for the number of results
      order - the order (asc, desc)
      org - the organization of which to get videos for (e.g. "Hololive")
      paginated - paginated field
      sort - sort by returned field (e.g "start_scheduled")
      status - filter by video status (e.g. "upcoming")
      topic - filter by type of video (e.g "stream")
      type - the type
      a list of Video objects
    • getChannel

      @GET("/api/v2/channels/{channelID}") retrofit2.Call<Channel> getChannel(@Path("channelID") String channelID)
      /api/v2/channels endpoint
      channelID - the channel id
      the channel
    • getVideosByChannelId

      @GET("/api/v2/channels/{channelID}/{type}") retrofit2.Call<List<Video>> getVideosByChannelId(@Path("channelID") String channelID, @Path("type") String type, @Query("include") String include, @Query("lang") String lang, @Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("paginated") String paginated)
      /api/v2/channels/{channelID}/{type} endpoint
      channelID - the YouTube channel id
      type - the type of video resource ("clips", "videos", "collabs")
      include - the include parameters comma seperated
      lang - a comma separated String of languages (e.g "en,ja")
      limit - the limit for the number of results
      offset - the offset for the number of results
      paginated - paginated field
      list of Videos by channel id
    • getVideosFromChannels

      @GET("/api/v2/users/live") retrofit2.Call<List<Video>> getVideosFromChannels(@Query("channels") String channels)
      /api/v2/users/live endpoint
      channels - the channel ids in a comma separated String
      the videos from channels
    • getVideo

      @GET("/api/v2/videos/{videoID}") retrofit2.Call<Video> getVideo(@Path("videoID") String videoID, @Query("lang") String lang, @Query("c") String c)
      /api/v2/videos/{videoID} endpoint
      videoID - the YouTube video id
      lang - a comma separated String of languages (e.g "en,ja")
      c - 1 will return timestamp comments for the video, 0 will not
      the video
    • getChannels

      @GET("/api/v2/channels") retrofit2.Call<List<Channel>> getChannels(@Query("limit") Integer limit, @Query("offset") Integer offset, @Query("type") String type, @Query("lang") String lang, @Query("order") String order, @Query("org") String org, @Query("sort") String sort)
      /api/v2/channels endpoint
      limit - the limit for the number of results
      offset - the offset for the number of results
      type - the type of channel (e.g "vtuber")
      lang - a comma separated String of languages (e.g "en,ja")
      order - ascending or descending order (e.g "asc")
      org - filter by organization (e.g "Hololive")
      sort - column in which data should be sorted (default is org)
      the channels
    • postVideoSearch

      @POST("/api/v2/search/videoSearch") retrofit2.Call<List<SimpleVideo>> postVideoSearch(@Body okhttp3.RequestBody videoSearchResult)
      /api/v2/search/videoSearch endpoint
      videoSearchResult -
    • postPaginatedVideoSearch

      @POST("/api/v2/search/videoSearch") retrofit2.Call<VideoSearchResult> postPaginatedVideoSearch(@Body okhttp3.RequestBody videoSearchResult)
    • postCommentSearch

      @POST("/api/v2/search/commentSearch") retrofit2.Call<List<SimpleCommentVideo>> postCommentSearch(@Body okhttp3.RequestBody commentSearchResult)
      /api/v2/search/channelSearch endpoint
      commentSearchResult -
    • postPaginatedCommentSearch

      @POST("/api/v2/search/commentSearch") retrofit2.Call<CommentSearchResult> postPaginatedCommentSearch(@Body okhttp3.RequestBody commentSearchResult)